Comic Con 2008 - Day 3 July 26

 Carl Macek Promoting his new bookAnother great day of comic books and everything related to it celebration. The exhibit hall was about the same as yesterday. You still had to make your way through hordes of people, but this is the biggest convention of its kind in at least North America.

Once again signing autographs and chatting with fans were Carl Macek,Tommy Yune and Jesus Barrer0. Fans can never seem to get enough of Carl Macek and they shouldn't. Mr. Macekwas promoting his new book release titled WAR EAGLES.


Not too much to report from the aisles since most time was spent at the fan booth. People responded very well to the fan booth. At first we thought people were here to ask about the live-action movie but most people were surprised to learn that there was a live-action movie.   We managed to get some stickers printed out just in time for the fans to take with them and stick them on their name badges.


Promoting RobotechX Fans at an early age

Even young fans showed up! Have to hook them while they're young. These kids are huge Robotech fans and you can blame their dad (a job well done). More fans signed up to website updates in a form of a newsletter that will be active shortly.

Fan Art and Projects Robotech Comics

Fan art was displayed. HappyPenguins be glad to know that your ATLANTECH magnet was displayed. What would be a comic con without Robotech comics? Well, we didn't have to find out since MEM1DOMINION brought tons of his comics, we hardly have to worry.

That's all you get tonight because I'm pretty beat, until tomorrow!

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