On February 28, 2009 the Southern California fandom is organizing and proud to announce the first SDF-1 Launch Party, celebrating the fictional launch of the SDF-1 of Robotech: The Macross Saga. Hope to see you there!

Once again the fandom steps up to the plate! on February 28, 2009 the Southern California fandom organizes the first SDF-1 Launch Party, celebrating the fictional launch of the SDF-1 of Robotech: The Macross Saga. Similar events are planned with the Chile and China fandoms.
February 28, 2009
City of Norwalk (where Carmenita and the 5 FWY meet between the 605 and 91 FWY) Since the location will be a private residence, you will need to send an email to MEMO3DOMINION at HOTMAIL.COM with “Robotech Launch Party” in the subject. Address details and Mapquest directions will be emailed out as we get closer to the event.
Donations at the door with kids entering free with paid adult.
Commemorative coin, shirt and food with the donation
Typical BBQ, bring whatever you want to share with the rest of the fans!
As of now the fandom is still working on guests, but HG has been invited as they are known for showing up in previous events.
Fandom Help:
Since this is completely organized by fans, help is needed! We are still looking for volunteers to make an SDF-1 backdrop. This will be broken up into pieces and worked on separately for a small stage.
So far things are moving long, the yard is big enough (thanks to Dartillion) but we need your emails! This way we can reserve a shirt, coin and space for you!
Here is the planned coin thanks to Seifrietti Weisse. It just simply stunning!
Other ideas include badges for attendees much like a convention, this way we can finally put a face to the username.
Join in with your ideas and suggestions on the two threads below, one for RobotechX and one for the Official Forums.
The RobotechX SDF-1 Launch Party Thread
The Official Robotech Website Thread