Ever wonder what the differences between VF-1 releases are? Find out at Micronian Ace's Scorched Earth Toys. Where the latest review is a VF-1 fanatic's dream, a full-on VF-1 Toy Super Comparison Post as he calls it.
In this review, Micronian Ace compares between the Yamato 1/60 v1-v2, Yamato 1/48, Toynami 1/100, Toynami 1/55 MPC and Bandai 1/55 Chunky variants, including images of them all so you can visually see the differences.
This is an in-depth review which covers the price, build quality and just about every possible detail you would want to know about the collectibles. You can't miss out on this great opportunity to read and see what each model is all about. Make sure to leave a comment and thank him for his dedicated work.
Visit Scorched Earth Toys [ www.anymoon.com/blog ]