Chinese Version of Robotech Comics

The Chinese language editions of the Robotech comics from Wildstorm are now officially being distributed by Chinese publisher Xinhua Wenxuan Press. Xinhua Wenxuan Press recently announced the release of Wildstorm's Robotech Comics in Mainland China. The Chinese version comics will be released in TPB form, and this means the official Robotech comics first land in China.These new comics are tentatively scheduled for release in the summer.

For more Info link to: Robotech Union @ China

[ Thanks to Lobizon for the heads up! ]

"Shadow Rising is NOT canceled and is NOT postponed!" - PART II

Shadow Rising Not Postponed

Here is a short summary of Chris Meadows' Space Station Liberty podcast last week, where the definitive word came on the future of the Shadow Rising postponement fiasco. For the complete podcast visit where you can download or stream the podcast.

"Shadow Rising is NOT canceled and is NOT postponed!"


Straight from Kevin McKeever on Chris Meadows' Space Station Liberty: "Shadow Rising is NOT canceled and is NOT postponed!"

This is definitely the news dedicated fans were waiting for, relief for much of the fans. The context of Kevin's "hiatus" statement was simply misinterpreted. The "hiatus" statement did not mean that the show was put on hold indefinitely, but that the animated feature was under development.

Many thanks to Chris Meadows and his Space Station Liberty podcast for hosting Kevin McKeever and Tommy Yune to clear this up.


Are you ticked off about the new developments concerning the "hiatus" of Shadow Rising because Warner Brothers wants exclusive production of the Robotech Live-Action Movie? Well guess what? Tune in to Chris Meadows' Space Station Liberty podcast where he will interview Tommy Yune and Kevin McKeever on the subject. Lets see if we get some answers on this heated topic.

The scheduled interview will take place Thursday, June 5, 2008 at 10:00 PM EDT. - to listen or talk - how to dial in

Thanks to Fremen72 for posting this on the Official Robotech Website Forum.