Vintage Toys

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Vintage Toys was created by Sushispook

So, I really only got into collecting at the beginning of November. And when it comes to the new releases from CM's, Beagle, Toynami, and Megahouse, it's pretty dang easy to find good deals and know who is a cracksmoking jerkwad and is jacking up their prices to fleece people.

However, when it comes to vintage items, not so much... I'm looking at ebay for older stuff (like the few good Matchbox items, classic Gakken gear, and Bandai Macross items), and it's just hard to know when it's a good deal, and when it's not. It's not like I can take my hovertank to the antiques road show and have them appraise it either, so I'm curious if anyone's got a good resource for what this stuff tends to go for, or if it's just all spur of the moment etc etc....
15 years 2 months ago #8968

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Replied by Mark-Warlock on topic Re:Vintage Toys


Personally I don't really depend on "appraisal" guides when I'm looking for something for my collection because after all a "collectable" is ultimately only worth as much as someone is willing to pay...

Now that being said... The best thing I can tell you... and this is coming from someone who has been collecting most of his life... research what you want to buy...

Like you said... there are plenty of jerks out there who will hick up the prices... and then there are some sellers that have something that is genuinely hard to find and is worth paying the extra cost rather then spend years looking...

I tend to do a lot of "Watching" on EBay... You'll find that there are plenty of certain items out there... and in those cases... you really look for the deals... then there are the rare items... things you may see only once a year... if that.

Those are the ones you really keep an eye on...

Now it also depends on exactly what you see as more valuable for your collection.

For me... I like Odd ball stuff... Things like my original "Robotech The Movie: The untold Story" poster... That is something that is worth a lot... to me... now to someone else... it might not be worth the paper it was printed on... Luckily... Mine was given to me.

Building up a nice collection takes years... unless you happen upon some poor soul in financial trouble and manage to snag a nice starter collection for a steal.

Use your best judgment….

I’ll give you an example… recently I picked up a nice lot of Macross items… Now the lot total was $70 bucks… but it had a full set of the 1:100 transforming VFs, 3 of the Revoltech figures, 6 of the little “Deformed” VFs, some smaller transformable VF’s as well as some really nice detailed small scale destroids. It also came with like 6 other small scale transformable VFs…

Now for me the lot was worth it because the cost of the 1:100 transformables like they sell on sell for as much as $39 each on Ebay…. That alone is well worth what I paid for the lot… Then there are the Revoltech VFs… Now those can run you anywhere from $9 bucks to $26 bucks depending on which VF it is… the VF-1A tends to be the cheapest… while the VF-1S (Fokker), and the VF-1Js (Max and Milia) tend to run on the upper end, and that doesn’t even include the shipping costs…(which usually is higher if they are coming from over seas.)

Now some of the older stuff like the large scale Matchbox SDF-1, just be prepared to pay well for one… especially if it’s in good condition. Those can run easily $100 for even just a decent one. But as always deals can be found... if you watch long enough you could get lucky and catch other bidders with their pants down.

Now the Destroid mecha.. like the Matchbox Raider X, Spartan, etc…. Those you can find as cheap as $5… and you can get lucky and find them in lots regularly… so watch out for the guys that try and sell them for $15…. There are plenty of them out there so just look for the deals.

Now Invid Mecha tend to hold more value then others… even when the market is flooded with them.. People just love the Invid mecha and they can sell high… but always watch for the deals… they are out there… I’ve found them.

Now the Destroid Monsters… they can very… Here lately there has been a bunch of sellers flooding the market with them…. So there are plenty of them to go around… they can run on average of about 20-25 in this time…. Now when the Market dries up be ready to pay as much as $50 for them.

It’s a selling cycle… Watch for the Spikes… be on the look out for when the “market” gets flooded with a certain item… That’s when deals are good.

Well Hope this helps you out….
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Last edit: 15 years 2 months ago by Mark-Warlock.
15 years 2 months ago #8972

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Replied by Sushispook on topic Re:Vintage Toys

This is helpful - thank you!

Yeah, you touched on one of the ones I'd love to have again, and that's the Bandai issue of the Takatoku SDF-1. I have no idea what happened to the one I had as a kid, but I'd really like to get my hands on one again.

Other than that one, I'm mostly into the Mospeada stuff - the old Gakken Alphas and large Cyclones are something I'd like to get as well. Not so much the smaller ones - I had one of them, and they're so dang fragile (at least, in my memory).

Thanks again for the response - much appreciated.
15 years 2 months ago #8974

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Replied by save on topic Re:Vintage Toys

Mark Warlock's advise is sound.

"research what you want to buy.." & "Use your best judgment…."

I do allot of selling of toys from Japan the only other thing I would add is don't low ball a seller. It only wastes both the seller's and the buyer's time. Always offer what an item is worth to you.

If a seller is asking for some crazy high price don't even bother contacting them. Most of the time they will be bunt with communication or down right rude.

I've offered help finding RT goods here on this site but nobody has ever contacted me.

Just this week I've seen these RT toys in Tokyo.

MPC Rick
MPC Rick Appendix

RT toys pop up fairly often here and usually never sell.

Takutoku Macross stuff is plentiful but very expensive but still cheaper than ebay.
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15 years 2 months ago #9099

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Replied by MEMO1DOMINION on topic Re:Vintage Toys





15 years 2 months ago #9130

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Replied by panzertank on topic Re:Vintage Toys

I hate the idea people are buying up the older stock of our childhood toys just for a future winfall (if they are lucky).
I`m a BIG believe a Toy is a TOY & thus has to be enjoyed by physical, visual & mental play.
Oh I`m the first to admit I`m a BIG kid but hey I like customizing too so getting my hands on the toys is always a bonus (wether it will fall under my custom skills or left alone).

If there`s something you truely want, well I say go for it. Try various forums first of all, just incase a fellow fan can help. Try the garage sales, car boots, flea markets etc too. Lastly I would then try ebay & collector stores (as these will probably be jacked high prices).
14 years 8 months ago #12928

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Replied by blackconvoy_D01 on topic Re:Vintage Toys







Recasting old parts and selling them is a fantastic idea. There are a lot of collectors that I know who don't have the patience or skill to retool or cast molds.
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14 years 8 months ago #12933

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Replied by JAF on topic Re:Vintage Toys

Hello all, this is my first post here as I've recent;y been bitten by the vintage Robotech bug. Just watched the series again and remembered how much I loved this all back in the 80's. Never thought I'd get a good vintage toy collection going but I just won a great lot of misc figures that happened to contain every matchbox figure MOC exxcept the robotech master (and HG Minmei) along with an SDF-1 MIB and invid scout MIB. I was shocked and surprised to find so many MOC figures and that invid (which I've wanted since first seeing The New generation).

Now I'm trying to get the battlepods and Veritech fighter. I do customizing/kitbashing too so I am very hip to making parts and restoring old beat up figures. The latest acquisition arrived yesterday which is the Playmates version of the regular Battle pod. It's loose and complete other than the two main antennae. Love the toy and likeness but am wondering what the best option for finding replacement antennae is going to be. Are there any parts dealers on the web that you guys know of or will ebay hunting and hopes for someone casting their own parts be my best bet?

Anyhow, thanks for the great forum/site. Nice to have found this place.
14 years 2 months ago #14290

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Replied by Zor-Master on topic Re:Vintage Toys

Here is a complete Robotech toys checklist for any of you who never saw it back in the day at It includes vintage and modern toys:

Robotech Toys: Macross Saga

1. Matchbox Collector’s series 1/3000 large SDF-1 3-mode toy
2. Matchbox/Irwin Collector’s series 1/3000 large SDF-1 3-mode toy
3. Matchbox Collector’s series 1/6000 non transforming SDF-1
4. Matchbox/Irwin Collector’s series 1/6000 non transforming SDF-1
5. Harmony Gold Collector’s series 1/6000 non transforming SDF-1
6. Matchbox Collector’s series SD VF-1S Super Veritech Fokker
7. Matchbox/Irwin Collector’s series SD VF-1S Super Veritech Fokker
8. Matchbox Collector’s series SD VF-1J Super Veritech Miriya
9. Matchbox/Irwin Collector’s series SD VF-1J Super Veritech Miriya
10. Matchbox Collector’s series SD VF-1J Super Veritech Max
11. Matchbox/Irwin Collector’s series SD VF-1J Super Veritech Max
12. Matchbox Collector’s series 1/144 Radar X
13. Matchbox/Irwin Collector’s series 1/144 Radar X
14. Playmates Exo-Squad 1/144 Radar X
15. Matchbox Collector’s series 1/144 Spartan
16. Matchbox/Irwin Collector’s series 1/144 Spartan
17. Playmates Exo-Squad 1/144 Spartan
18. Matchbox Collector’s series 1/144 Excalibur
19. Matchbox/Irwin Collector’s series 1/144 Excalibur
20. Playmates Exo-Squad 1/144 Excalibur
21. Matchbox Collector’s series 1/144 Gladiator Civil Defense
22. Matchbox/Irwin Collector’s series 1/144 Gladiator Civil Defense
23. Playmates Exo-Squad 1/144 Gladiator Civil Defense
24. Matchbox Collector’s series 1/144 Radar X Civil Defense
25. Matchbox/Irwin Collector’s series 1/144 Radar X Civil Defense
26. Playmates Exo-Squad 1/144 Radar X Civil Defense
27. Matchbox Collector’s series 1/144 Spartan Civil Defense
28. Matchbox/Irwin Collector’s series 1/144 Spartan Civil Defense
29. Playmates Exo-Squad 1/144 Spartan Civil Defense
30. Matchbox Collector’s series 1/144 Excalibur Civil Defense
31. Matchbox/Irwin Collector’s series 1/144 Excalibur Civil Defense
32. Playmates Exo-Squad 1/144 Excalibur Civil Defense
33. Matchbox Collector’s series 1/144 Gladiator Civil Defense
34. Matchbox/Irwin Collector’s series 1/144 Gladiator Civil Defense
35. Playmates Exo-Squad 1/144 Gladiator Civil Defense
36. Matchbox Collector’s series 1/144 MAC II
37. Matchbox/Irwin Collector’s series 1/144 MAC II
38. Harmony Gold Collector’s series 1/144 MAC II
39. Matchbox 1/72 large Radar X
40. Matchbox/Irwin 1/72 large Radar X
41. Playmates Exo-Squad 1/72 large Radar X
42. Harmony Gold 1/72 large Radar X
43. Matchbox 1/72 large Spartan
44. Matchbox/Irwin 1/72 large Spartan
45. Playmates Exo-Squad 1/72 large Spartan
46. Harmony Gold 1/72 large Spartan
47. Matchbox 1/72 large Excalibur
48. Matchbox/Irwin 1/72 large Excalibur
49. Playmates Exo-Squad 1/72 large Excalibur
50. Harmony Gold 1/72 large Excalibur
51. Matchbox 1/72 large Gladiator
52. Matchbox/Irwin 1/72 large Gladiator
53. Playmates Exo-Squad 1/72 large Gladiator
54. Harmony Gold 1/72 large Gladiator
55. Matchbox Quadrono Male Power Armor
56. Matchbox/Irwin Quadrono Male Power Armor
57. Playmates Exo-Squad Quadrono Male Power Armor
58. Harmony Gold Quadrono Male Power Armor
59. Matchbox Botoro Male Power Armor
60. Matchbox/Irwin Botoro Male Power Armor
61. Playmates Exo-Squad Botoro Male Power Armor
62. Harmony Gold Botoro Male Power Armor
63. Matchbox Rick Hunters Veritech - China – bone white w/ blue-grey boosters
64. Matchbox Rick Hunters Veritech – Japan – light grey w/ grey boosters
65. Matchbox/Irwin Rick Hunters Veritech
66. Playmates Exo-Squad Rick Hunters Veritech
67. Matchbox Officer’s Battlepod
68. Matchbox/Irwin Officer’s Battlepod
69. Playmates Exo-Squad Officer’s Battlepod
70. Matchbox Tactical Battle Pod – Japan – blue/white/gray
71. Matchbox Tactical Battle Pod – China- blue/Light gray/gray
72. Matchbox/Irwin Tactical Battle Pod
73. Playmates Exo-Squad Tactical Battle Pod
74. Matchbox SDF-1 Playset
75. Matchbox/Irwin SDF-1 Playset
76. Matchbox Robotech Wars Playset
77. Matchbox/Irwin Robotech Wars Playset
78. Matchbox Rick Hunter 10" figure
79. Harmony Gold Rick Hunter 10" figure
80. Matchbox Lynn Minmay 10" figure
81. Harmony Gold Lynn Minmay 10" figure
82. Matchbox Lisa Hayes 10" figure
83. Harmony Gold Lisa Hayes 10" figure
84. Matchbox Miss Macross outfit
85. Matchbox Chine Dress outfit
86. Matchbox Fashion Accessories
87. Matchbox Street Clothes
88. Matchbox Dress Clothes
89. Matchbox Stage Dress
90. Matchbox Star Disguise
91. Matchbox Exercise Outfit
92. Matchbox Rick Hunter action figure – Japan – grey buckles on chest strap, gloss paint
93. Matchbox Rick Hunter action figure – China – black buckles on chest strap, flat paint
94. Matchbox/Irwin Rick Hunter action figure
95. Harmony Gold Rick Hunter action figure
96. Matchbox Roy Fokker action figure - Japan
97. Matchbox Roy Fokker action figure – China – V.1 blue buckles on chest strap, black eyes, blue helmet
98. Matchbox Roy Fokker action figure – China – V.2 White eyes, blue-grey helmet, two guns
99. Matchbox/Irwin Roy Fokker action figure
100. Harmony Gold Roy Fokker action figure
101. Harmony Gold Lynn Minmay action figure
102. Matchbox Lisa Hayes action figure – Japan – V.1 blue backpack, blue wristbands, line on back
103. Matchbox Lisa Hayes action figure – Japan – V.2 blue wristbands, less paint backpack, no line on back
104. Matchbox Lisa Hayes action figure – China - grey wristbands, fully painted backpack, line on back
105. Matchbox/Irwin Lisa Hayes action figure
106. Harmony Gold Lisa Hayes action figure
107. Matchbox Miriya action figure – Japan – V.1 lightly painted helmet, solid white paint
108. Matchbox Miriya action figure – Japan – V.2 black uniform, red lower legs
109. Matchbox Miriya action figure – Japan – V.3 red wristbands, red backpack
110. Matchbox Miriya action figure – China – dark red helmet, lighter white paint on body
111. Matchbox/Irwin Miriya action figure
112. Matchbox Max Sterling action figure - Japan
113. Matchbox Max Sterling action figure - China
114. Matchbox/Irwin Max Sterling action figure
115. Harmony Gold Max Sterling action figure
116. Harmony Gold Miriya(purple) action figure
117. Matchbox Khyron action figure - China
118. Matchbox Khyron action figure – Japan - ?
119. Matchbox/Irwin Khyron action figure – China - ?
120. Matchbox Miriya(large) action figure - Japan
121. Matchbox Miriya(large) action figure - China
122. Matchbox/Irwin Miriya(large) action figure
123. Matchbox Dolza action figure - Japan
124. Matchbox Dolza action figure - China
125. Matchbox/Irwin Dolza action figure
126. Matchbox Breetai action figure - Japan
127. Matchbox Breetai action figure - China
128. Matchbox/Irwin Breetai action figure
129. Matchbox Exedore action figure - Japan
130. Matchbox Exedore action figure - China
131. Matchbox/Irwin Exedore action figure
132. Matchbox Armored Zentraedi Warrior - Japan
133. Matchbox Armored Zentraedi Warrior - China
134. Matchbox/Irwin Armored Zentraedi Warrior
135. Matchbox Micronized Zentraedi Warrior – Japan – grey hip pouches, paint line on knees?
136. Matchbox Micronized Zentraedi Warrior – China – purple hip pouches
137. Matchbox/Irwin Micronized Zentraedi Warrior
138. Harmony Gold Micronized Zentraedi Warrior
139. Matchbox Dana Sterling action figure – Japan – red painted chest w/ dark grey
140. Matchbox Dana Sterling action figure – China
141. Matchbox/Irwin Dana Sterling action figure - China – all red plastic chest, no stripe on shield
142. Harmony Gold Dana Sterling action figure
143. Matchbox Zor Prime action figure – Japan – smaller area of red paint around neck
144. Matchbox Zor Prime action figure– China– larger area of red paint around neck, tread on boots
145. Matchbox/Irwin Zor Prime action figure
146. Harmony Gold Zor Prime action figure
147. Matchbox Robotech Master action figure – Japan
148. Matchbox Robotech Master action figure – China
149. Matchbox/Irwin Robotech Master action figure
150. Harmony Gold Robotech Master action figure
151. Matchbox Bioroid Terminator action figure - Japan – gloss paint, straight handle gun, wider shoulders
152. Matchbox Bioroid Terminator action figure – China – flat paint, curved handle gun, Lunk bubble
153. Matchbox/Irwin Bioroid Terminator action figure
154. Harmony Gold Bioroid Terminator action figure
155. Matchbox Scott Bernard action figure - Japan
156. Matchbox Scott Bernard action figure - China
157. Matchbox/Irwin Scott Bernard action figure
158. Harmony Gold Scott Bernard action figure
159. Matchbox Rand action figure – Japan – V.1 dark red hair, brown neck, painted
160. Matchbox Rand action figure – Japan – V.2 dark red hair, open neck, brown button/buckle, painted
161. Matchbox Rand action figure – China – red hair, brown neck, yellow waist buckle, plastic not painted
162. Matchbox/Irwin Rand action figure
163. Harmony Gold Rand action figure
164. Matchbox Lunk action figure - Japan
165. Matchbox Lunk action figure - China
166. Matchbox/Irwin Lunk action figure – China
167. Matchbox Rook Bartley action figure – Japan
168. Matchbox Rook Bartley action figure - China
169. Matchbox/Irwin Rook Bartley action figure
170. Harmony Gold Rook Bartley action figure
171. Matchbox Corg action figure – Japan
172. Matchbox Corg action figure – China
173. Matchbox/Irwin Corg action figure
174. Matchbox Mecha Launcher – RDF Destroyer
175. Matchbox/Irwin Mecha Launcher – RDF Destroyer
176. Matchbox Mecha Launcher – Recon Ship
177. Matchbox/Irwin Mecha Launcher – Recon Ship
178. Matchbox Mecha Launcher – Zentraedi Officers Attack
179. Matchbox/Irwin Mecha Launcher – Zentraedi Officers Attack
180. Matchbox Mecha Launcher – Zentraedi Cruiser
181. Matchbox/Irwin Mecha Launcher – Zentraedi Cruiser
182. Harmony Gold Mecha Launcher 4 pack
183. Toynami Robotech Super Deformed Figurine VF1A
184. Toynami Robotech Super Deformed Figurine VF1D
185. Toynami Robotech Super Deformed Figurine VF1J Max
186. Toynami Robotech Super Deformed Figurine VF1J Mirya
187. Toynami Robotech Super Deformed Figurine VF1J Rick
188. Toynami Robotech Super Deformed Figurine VF1S
189. Toynami Robotech Super Deformed Keychain VF1A
190. Toynami Robotech Super Deformed Keychain VF1D
191. Toynami Robotech Super Deformed Keychain VF1J Max
192. Toynami Robotech Super Deformed Keychain VF1J Mirya
193. Toynami Robotech Super Deformed Keychain VF1J Rick
194. Toynami Robotech Super Deformed Keychain VF1S
195. Toynami Robotech Morphers Roy Fokker VF1S
196. Toynami Robotech Morphers Rick Hunter VFIJ
197. Toynami Robotech Morphers Max VFIJ
198. Toynami Robotech Morphers Miriya VFIJ
199. Toynami Robotech Morphers VFIA
200. Toynami Robotech Morphers VF1D
201. Toynami Robotech Morphers 6 Toy Set w/ Ben Dixon VF1A + cel
202. Toynami Robotech Clear Morphers 6 Toy Set w/ Ben Dixon VF1A
203. Toynami Robotech Morphers Super VF1S
204. Toynami Robotech Morphers Super VF1J Miriya
205. Toynami Robotech Morphers Super VF1J Max
206. Toynami Robotech Morphers Chrome Roy Fokker VF1S
207. Toynami Robotech Morphers Chrome Rick hunter VF1J
208. Toynami Robotech Morphers Chrome Mirya Sterling VF1J
209. Toynami Robotech Morphers Chrome Max Sterling VF1J
210. Toynami Robotech Veritech Super Posable Figure VF1J Rick Hunter
211. Toynami Robotech Veritech Super Posable Figure VF1A
212. Toynami Robotech Veritech Super Posable Figure VF1S
213. Toynami Robotech Veritech Super Posable Figure VF1J Max
214. Toynami Robotech Veritech Super Posable Figure VF1J Miriya
215. Toynami Robotech Veritech Super Posable Figure VF1D Trainer ComicCon Exclusive
216. Toynami Robotech Veritech Super Posable Figure VF1S Roy Focker’s Last Stand
217. Toynami Robotech Super Veritech Super Posable Figure VF1S Fokker
218. Toynami Robotech Super Veritech Super Posable Figure VF1J Milia
219. Toynami Robotech Super Veritech Super Posable Figure VF1A Max
220. Toynami Robotech Super Veritech Super Posable Figure VF1A
221. Toynami Robotech Super Veritech Super Posable Figure VF1R
222. Toynami Robotech Masterpiece Collection Veritech Rick Hunter VF 1J
223. Toynami Robotech Masterpiece Collection Veritech Ben Dixon VF1A
224. Toynami Robotech Masterpiece Collection Veritech Roy Focker VF1S
225. Toynami Robotech Masterpiece Collection Veritech Max Sterling VF1J
226. Toynami Robotech Masterpiece Collection Veritech Miriya VF1J
227. Toynami Robotech Masterpiece Collection Veritech Jack Archer YF1R
228. Toynami Robotech Masterpiece Collection Super Veritech Armor Appendix A Rick Hunter
229. Toynami Robotech Masterpiece Collection Super Veritech Armor Appendix A Rick Hunter - reissue plain white box
230. Toynami Robotech Masterpiece Collection Super Veritech Armor Appendix B Max Sterling
231. Toynami Robotech Masterpiece Collection Super Veritech Armor Appendix C Miriya
232. Toynami I-Men 001 VF1J & 002 Rick Hunter
233. Toynami I-Men 003 VF1A & 004 Ben Dixon
234. Toynami I-Men 005 VF1S & 006 Roy Focker
235. Toynami I-Men 007 VF1J & 008 Max Sterling
236. Toynami I-Men 009 VF1J & 010 Miriya
237. Playmake Large Cardboard 5’ long SDF-1
238. Toynami Robotech Remastered DVD #2 Exclusive Metallic Morpher VF1S
239. Toynami Robotech Remastered DVD #3 Exclusive Metallic Morpher VF1J Miriya
240. Toynami Robotech Remastered DVD #4 Exclusive Metallic Morpher VF1J Max

Robotech Toys: Robotech Masters

1. Matchbox Veritech Hovertank
2. Matchbox/Irwin Veritech Hovertank
3. Playmates Exo/Squad Veritech Hovertank
4. Matchbox Dana Sterling action figure
5. Matchbox/Irwin Dana Sterling action figure
6. Harmony Gold Dana Sterling action figure
7. Matchbox Zor Prime action figure
8. Matchbox/Irwin Zor Prime action figure
9. Harmony Gold Zor Prime action figure
10. Matchbox Robotech Master action figure
11. Matchbox/Irwin Robotech Master action figure
12. Harmony Gold Robotech Master action figure
13. Matchbox Bioroid Terminator
14. Matchbox/Irwin Bioroid Terminator
15. Harmony Gold Bioroid Terminator
16. Matchbox Bioroid Invid Fighter
17. Matchbox/Irwin Bioroid Invid Fighter
18. Harmony Gold Bioroid Invid Fighter
19. Playmates Exo-Squad Bioroid Invid Fighter
20. Matchbox Bioroid Hover Craft
21. Matchbox/Irwin Bioroid Hover Craft
22. Matchbox Dana’s Hovercycle
23. Matchbox Dana Sterling 10’ figure
24. Harmony Gold Dana Sterling 10’ figure
25. Matchbox Exercise Outfit
26. Matchbox Flight Uniform
27. Matchbox Party Dress

Robotech Toys: New Generation

1. Excite/Gakken 1/35 Alpha 3-mode Blue (large)
2. Excite/Gakken 1/35 Alpha 3-mode Green (large)
3. Excite/Gakken 1/35 Alpha 3-mode Red (large)
4. Matchbox/Gakken Collector’s Series 1/35 Alpha Fighter 3-mode Blue (large)
5. Matchbox/Gakken Collector’s Series 1/35 Alpha Fighter 3-mode Green (large)
6. Matchbox/Gakken Collector’s Series 1/35 Alpha Fighter 3-mode Red (large)
7. Excite/Gakken 1/55 Alpha 2-mode die-cast and plastic Blue (medium)
8. Excite/Gakken 1/55 Alpha 2-mode die-cast and plastic Green (medium)
9. Excite/Gakken 1/55 Alpha 2-mode die-cast and plastic Red (medium)
10. Matchbox/Gakken Collector’s Series 1/55 Miniature Alpha Fighter 2-mode Blue (medium)
11. Matchbox/Gakken Collector’s Series 1/55 Miniature Alpha Fighter 2-mode Green (medium)
12. Matchbox/Gakken Collector’s Series 1/55 Miniature Alpha Fighter 2-mode Red (medium)
13. Excite/Gakken 1/55 Alpha 3-mode Blue (medium)
14. Excite/Gakken 1/55 Alpha 3-mode Green (medium)
15. Excite/Gakken 1/55 Alpha 3-mode Red (medium)
16. Excite/Gakken 1/72 Alpha 3-mode Blue (small)
17. Excite/Gakken 1/72 Alpha 3-mode Green (small)
18. Excite/Gakken 1/72 Alpha 3-mode Red (small)
19. Matchbox/Gakken Collector’s Series 1/10 Armoured Cyclone Scott Bernard transformable (Large)
20. Excite/Gakken 1/10 Cyclone Scott Bernard transformable (Large)
21. Excite/Gakken Cyclone transformable Scott Bernard (small)
22. Excite/Gakken Cyclone transformable Lancer (small)
23. Excite/Gakken Cyclone transformable Rook (small)
24. Matchbox Invid Shock Trooper
25. Matchbox/Irwin Invid Shock Trooper
26. Playmates Exo-Squad Invid Shock Trooper
27. Matchbox Invid Scout
28. Matchbox/Irwin Invid Scout
29. Playmates Exo-Squad Invid Scout
30. Harmony Gold Invid Scout
31. Matchbox Armoured Cyclone
32. Matchbox/Irwin Armoured Cyclone
33. Matchbox Scott Bernard action figure
34. Matchbox/Irwin Scott Bernard action figure
35. Harmony Gold Scott Bernard action figure
36. Matchbox Rand action figure
37. Matchbox/Irwin Rand action figure
38. Harmony Gold Rand action figure
39. Matchbox Rook Bartley action figure
40. Matchbox/Irwin Rook Bartley action figure
41. Harmony Gold Rook Bartley action figure
42. Matchbox Corg action figure
43. Matchbox/Irwin Corg action figure
44. Toynami Alpha Morpher Scott Bernard
45. Toynami Alpha Morpher Rook Bartley
46. Toynami Alpha Morpher Rand
47. Toynami Alpha Morpher Shadow Fighter
48. Toynami Alpha Fighter Super Poseable Scott Bernard VFA-6H
49. Toynami Alpha Fighter Super Poseable Scott Bernard VFA-6H (Metallic Toynami Convention Exclusive)
50. Toynami Alpha Fighter Super Poseable Rook Bartley VFA-6Z
51. Toynami Alpha Fighter Super Poseable Rook Bartley VFA-6Z (Action Figure Xpress Exclusive)
52. Toynami Alpha Fighter Super Poseable Lancer VFA-61
53. Toynami Alpha Fighter Super Poseable Lancer VFA-61 (Metallic Gamestop Exclusive)
54. Toynami Alpha Fighter Super Poseable Shadow Fighter
55. Toynami Alpha Fighter Super Poseable Shadow Fighter (Metallic exclusive)
56. Toynami Alpha Fighter Super Poseable Shadow Fighter (Clear Toyfare exclusive)
57. Toynami Robotech Remastered DVD #5 Exclusive Metallic Morpher Shadow Morpher
58. Toynami Robotech Remastered DVD #6 Exclusive Metallic Morpher VFA-61 Lancer
59. Toynami Robotech Remastered DVD #7 Exclusive Metallic Morpher VFA-6H Scott
60. Toynami Robotech Remastered DVD #8 Exclusive Metallic Morpher VFA-6Z Rook
61. Toynami I-Men 031 Scott Bernard & 032 VFA-6H Alpha Fighter
62. Toynami I-Men 033 Lancer & 034 Cyclone Armor Lancer
63. Toynami I-Men 035 Rook Bartley & 036 VFA-6Z Alpha Fighter
64. Toynami I-Men 037 Cyclone Armor Rook & 038 VFA-61 Alpha Fighter
65. Toynami I-Men 039 Rand & 040 Cyclone Armor Rand
66. Toynami Masterpiece Collection Alpha VFA-6H Scott Bernard
67. Toynami Masterpiece Collection Alpha VFA-6I Lancer
68. Toynami Masterpiece Collection Alpha VFA-6Z Rook Bartley
69. Toynami Masterpiece Collection Alpha Shadow Fighter
70. Toynami Masterpiece Collection Alpha VFA-6ZX Maia Sterling
71. Toynami Masterpiece Collection Beta VFB-9H (blue)
72. Toynami Masterpiece Collection Beta VFB-9Z (red)
73. Toynami Masterpiece Collection Beta VFB-9I (green)
74. Toynami Masterpiece Collection Cyclone VR-052F Scott Bernard
75. Toynami Masterpiece Collection Cyclone VR-052T Rand

Robotech Toys: Other

1. Largo Telescope
2. Largo Periscope
3. Largo Sparking Pistol
4. Largo Stamp Pad Set
5. Largo 2 in 1 Action Top - blue
6. Largo 2 in 1 Action Top - grey
7. Largo Push Puppet - light grey
8. Largo Push Puppet - dark grey
9. Largo Signal Light
10. Largo Binoculars
11. Largo Dart Gun (unreleased?)
12. Largo Pen Writer (unreleased?)
13. Largo Kaleidoscope? (unreleased?)
14. Arco Robotech Night Writer
15. Arco Robotech Hot Chamber Cap Pistol
16. Arco Robotech Transforming Cannon
17. Arco Robotech Laser Blaster Target Game
18. Arco Robotech Transforming Hot Chamber Cap Pistol
19. Arco Robotech Deskbot
20. Arco Robotech Transforming Binoculars
21. Arco Robotech Transforming Water Pistol
22. Arco Robotech Transforming Water Rifle
23. Arco Robotech Transforming Cap Rifle
24. Arco Robotech Transforming Hot Chamber Cap Rifle
25. Arco Robotech Hot Chamber Cap Rifle
26. Arco Robotech Laser Sound Pistol w/ Holster
27. Arco Robotech Night Shooter
28. Tiger Electronics Pinball Machine
29. Imperial Robotech Walkie Talkie
30. Imperial Robotech Bubble Blower
31. Imperial Robotech Skydiver w/ Parachute
32. Imperial Robotech Sunglasses
33. Imperial Robotech Puffy Action Stickers (6 sets)
34. Pilas Pistola Space Laser
35. Revel Robolinks Force 10
36. Revel Robolinks Force 11
37. Revel Robolinks Force 12
38. Revel Robolinks Force 20
39. Revel Robolinks Force 21
40. Revel Robolinks Force 22
41. Revel Robolinks Force 30
42. Revel Robolinks Force 31
43. Revel Robolinks Force 32
44. Revel Robolinks Force 40
45. Revel Robolinks Force 41
46. Revel Robolinks Force 42
47. Revel Robolinks Force 50
48. Revel Robolinks Force 51
49. Revel Robolinks Force 52
50. Revel Changers A1
51. Revel Changers A2
52. Revel Changers A3
53. Revel Changers A10
54. Revel Changers B1
55. Revel Changers B2
56. Revel Changers B3
57. Revel Changers B10
58. Revel Changers C1
59. Revel Changers C2
60. Revel Changers C3
61. Revel Changers C10
62. Revel Changers D1
63. Revel Changers D2
64. Revel Changers D3
65. Revel Changers D10
66. Revell Insectoids Spider
67. Revell Insectoids Mantis
68. Revell Power Changers Pickup Truck
69. Superior Deluxe Gumball Machine
70. Superior Pocket Pack Gumball Dispenser
71. Warren SDF-1 Battle Scene puzzle
72. Warren Rick Hunter puzzle
73. Warren Bridge Crew puzzle
74. Warren Khyron vs. Battloids puzzle
75. Warren Tray Puzzle Rick and Minmei
76. Warren Tray Puzzle Breetai and Exedore
77. Warren Tray Puzzle Max and Miriya
78. Playtime Robotech Voice Changer (unreleased?)

Prototype Only, Never Released

1. Playtime Robotech Cassette Player(unreleased?)
2. Playtime Robotech Intercom Telephone w/ 3D figure on front(unreleased?)
3. Playtime Robotech AM Radio(unreleased?)
4. Playtime Robotech Electronic Intercom Telephone w/ 30’ wire (unreleased?)
5. Playtime Robotech Pocket Radio(unreleased?)
6. Playtime Robotech Walkie Talkies w/ Morse Code (unreleased?)
7. Playtime Robotech Walkie Talkies Transforming (unreleased?)
8. Playtime Robotech Walkie Talkies w/ telescoping antennae(unreleased?)
9. Playtime Robotech Walkie Talkies w/ 3D figure on front(unreleased?)
14 years 5 days ago #15181

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Replied by rtsurfer on topic Re:Vintage Toys

Nice list, thank you ZM. I was looking up the differences between some of the Matchbox and Playmate toys just recently.

ZM, do you have any idea how many Matchbox/Irwin/Playmates Veritech Hovertanks were made?
"rtsurfer's two cent..." ;O)

rtsurfer's ROBOTECH archive
14 years 5 days ago #15182

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